Where Americans Are Nicest to Delivery People

In recent years, social media has shown more insight into how Americans treat delivery drivers. From thoughtful baskets with snacks and drinks to startling videos of people shouting instructions through a doorbell camera, not every delivery person is treated the same. 

We live in a world today where just about anything you can think of is available at the tips of your fingers with online shopping. And with online shopping comes more interactions with delivery people. With this in mind, our team set out to find where Americans are treating delivery people the best. Read on to see how your state ranked among the rest. 

Key Takeaways

  • Residents in Kentucky, Virginia, and Georgia are nicest to delivery people. 
  • Residents in Kansas, Indiana, and Washington are the least nice to delivery people. 
  • Just 1 in 6 Americans know their mail person’s name.
  • Small gestures can go a long way, as 51% of Americans have held the door for a delivery person. 
  • After having a good experience, 50% of Americans have made sure to leave a positive review for a delivery person. 
  • When it comes to tipping, 75% of Americans tend to leave a 20% tip for food delivery people.
  • Delivery people in Louisville, KY, Nashville, TN, and Las Vegas, NV, are the most likely to experience kind customers.

The States Where Delivery Drivers Are Treated the Best

U.S. map showing the states where Americans are nicest to delivery people

Some Americans prefer to shop in person, but with same-day delivery, many people prefer to place their orders online. With millions of packages being delivered every day, there are many interactions between delivery drivers and package recipients, but where are people the kindest?

Our study found residents in Kentucky tend to be the nicest to those dropping off their packages, food, and more. Residents in the state are willing to go the extra mile, as 56% say they have left a positive review for a delivery driver to praise them for their work. 

In second place is Virginia where 1 in 6 residents have left refreshments out for delivery people. This is a trend that we have seen on social media. Many Americans got creative as they set out baskets full of chips, candy, snacks, and even coolers full of drinks for delivery drivers. Virginians’ generosity goes even further during the holiday season, as residents of the state are the most likely to tip more around the holidays. 

In third for the nicest state is Georgia. When it comes to thanking delivery people, 1 in 5 Georgia residents have left a cash tip. There have been many doorbell videos that have gone viral showing the emotional reactions as drivers discover large tips left for them. Perhaps these moments shared online have encouraged others to feel a bit more generous as well. 

Overall, one in eight Americans say they have left refreshments out for a delivery person. Another way people show their appreciation to delivery drivers is by leaving a large tip. Our study found that 75% of Americans typically leave at least a 20% tip for food delivery people.  

States Where Americans Could Be Kinder

Graphic showing the states where Americans could be nicer to delivery drivers

Many of us see delivery drivers every day, but not everyone is as kind. We found that residents in Kansas are the least likely to go the extra mile for their delivery people. The state’s ranking is in part due to residents being the most likely in the country to rarely or never give a 20% tip to food delivery drivers. 

In second is Indiana where residents are the most likely to avoid making eye contact or smiling at delivery people they see. Sometimes a simple gesture can go a long way, especially for those who work so hard to ensure we receive our food and packages quickly. 

In third for states that could be kinder is Washington. Residents of the state are the second-least likely to provide larger tips around the holidays, second to New Mexico who is the most unlikely to feel more generous. 

Overall, 1 in 10 Americans say they rarely make eye contact with delivery people. This may come from a lack of personal contact with drivers, as 86% of people say they don’t know their mail person’s name. 

As we head into the holiday season, remember how important delivery people are when it comes to ensuring your gifts arrive on time. You don’t have to leave large tips or refreshments to show your appreciation though. Simply holding a gate open or smiling at delivery drivers can go a long way. 

The Best Cities to Be a Delivery Person

U.S. map plotting the cities that are nicest to delivery people

Zooming in on a more local level, we decided to find which U.S. cities are the nicest to those delivering our packages, food, and more. Coming in first is Louisville, KY, where residents are the most likely to know their mail person’s name. Louisville residents are also the most likely to provide delivery drivers with extensive directions to their home as a way of helping make their job easier. 

Nashville, TN, comes in second as the city’s residents are the most likely to make sure they always smile at delivery people. Third is Las Vegas, NV, where 1 in 5 residents have left free refreshments out for drivers. 

New York City residents are the most likely to tip their mail person at the end of the year. While Milwaukee, WI, residents are the most likely to always tip 20% to their food delivery driver.

Around the holidays, it’s the nation’s capital that leads by example, as Washington, D.C., residents are the most likely to tip delivery people more generously during the holiday season.


The exterior of your home is at times the only view others have to you. This goes for neighbors passing by, Google street imaging, and even delivery drivers. 
So be sure your home is just as lovely and inviting as you are toward those delivering your food and packages by turning to the team at Regional Foundation Repair for foundation repairs, basement waterproofing, and more.


In this study, we surveyed Americans in every state to find where people are the nicest to delivery people. We asked a variety of questions from how often they tip 20% and the kind gestures they do to thank their drivers to how often they make eye contact and smile at delivery drivers. 

We then awarded points to responses that represented kindness toward delivery people. This includes small gestures like smiling at them and big gestures like leaving cash tips. We then took an average of resident scores to calculate each state’s score. Scores were then adjusted on a scale of 0 to 100, with 100 representing the nicest.